Executive Leadership Development

An organisation cannot grow beyond the level of its leadership. Our approach is build to mastery through simple daily practices.

the why

  • An organisation cannot grow beyond the level of its leadership
  • The more senior we become in organisations the more complex the challenges become. 
  • Being a technical expert will not solve the challenges you face as the leader in an organisation.

the what

  • Open Mindset : What got you to here isn’t going to get you to where you want to be.
  • Development is Social – Holding all others factors constant a group will evolve more quickly than an individual. 
  • Shifting from doing it to observing it (and learning from it)

the how

  • Knowledge is different to mastery. Our approach is build mastery through simple daily practices.
  • The program takes place over a period of X-Y months with the focus on:
    – Regularly shift from doing to observing
    – Making the development social
    – Maintaining an open mindset

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